About SA Biotech
SA Biotech is a private company that was started in 1997. The business operates in South Africa and is based in Johannesburg with offices at 130 Axle Road, Devland. The company focuses on the marketing, sales, and distribution of alternative sanitation solutions that are environmentally friendly. We currently represent Jets Sanitary System (Norway), Battioni Pagani Pompe (Italy), Metaltecnica Valves (Italy), Fluid Liner (Germany) and Jetting (France) and the Hybrid Toilet system (Australia).
These solutions are what we term “Watersmart Sanitation” solutions. Recently SA Biotech started a small manufacturing plant where we manufacture slurry tankers for the agricultural sector. Sa Biotech is a company dedicated to providing professional and practical water treatment and sanitation solutions. Our mission is to become a knowledgeable and trusted Toilet System leader in SA. We do: Jets Vacuum Toilet Systems, Sanitation Solutions, Portable Toilet Chemicals, Pumps, Valves & Accessories.